
Transporting industrial goods, such as machines, steel, or other metals, to or from Italy? Van Dijk Logistics can arrange it. Quickly, professionally, and sustainably.
Are you planning to transport industrial goods, such as machines, steel, or other metals, from Italy to the Netherlands, or vice versa? Van Dijk Logistics offers an extensive range of equipment to arrange that for you perfectly. We come up with the solution for each of your transport issues.


Intermodal transport of large, heavy, and long goods

Loading and unloading from above or from the side
Our 45-foot high cube swap bodies are equipped with a sliding screen with sliding roof. This allows us to load and unload your industrial goods, such as machines, steel, and other metals, from above or from the side.

Sustainable solutions, competitive prices
Our containers have the same dimensions as those of a standard trailer. This makes it easy to place your industrial goods on the rails quickly and efficiently. The result: a sustainable transport solution at a competitive price.

Heavy goods 

Your problem
The maximum weight of vehicle combinations in Italy is 40,000 kilos. Industrial goods often exceed the maximum load capacity of 23,000 kilos. This leads to a necessity for more transports in order to get the same amount of goods from point A to point B.

Our solution
Van Dijk Logistics transports your goods intermodally. In this case, the maximum weight is increased from 23,000 kilos to 27,000 kilos. Therefore, the total vehicle combination can also weigh up to 4,000 kilos more: 44,000 kilos. Over six loads, this saves you no less than one complete transport between the Netherlands and Italy.

Your benefit
A significant increase in the permitted weight, combined with the advantages of transport by train. You do the math. By definition, intermodal transport of all your goods between the Netherlands and Italy offers you numerous benefits.

Transporting pipelines from and to Italy
Do you have pipelines or steel bundles that need to be transported from Italy to the Netherlands or in the opposite direction? Our containers are equipped with stakes: vertical beams that are placed on the sides of a sliding tarpaulin container. This allows us to transport steel bundles and pipes intermodally, safely, and in large volumes.

Exceptional transport Italy
Van Dijk Logistics has a number of very innovative low-loaders that we have developed ourselves. This allows us to combine container transport with machine transport in a unique manner. Feel free to contact us for more information on the possibilities.

Do you have a transport issue as well?
Do you have to transport heavy, long, and large industrial goods from or to Italy as well? We are happy to take good care of this for you! If needed, we can think along with you to come up with creative, efficient, and therefore affordable solution. Are you wondering if you too can save costs? Please get in touch with us, so we can discuss it.

Tim Verberkt
Sales & Operations
T: +31(0)478 – 51 70 25

Do you have a question?
Leave your contact details behind and we will get in touch with you ASAP.



Transport van grote machines Transport van grondstoffen
Exceptioneel transport Zware ladingen
Dagelijks transport van en naar Italië Intermodaal transport


A selection of the (inter)national organisations with whom we collaborate: